You are Limitless

I feel the need to start by saying Photoshop and I are not very good friends. I was really nervous about how my collage would turn out since I wanted it to blend in really well and feel like everything was meant to be. I ended up loving the process of making it. I am a fan of creativity and letting your imagination fly, so the phrase "you are limitless" really speaks to me. I decided to go for a very bold and colorful space themed collage and I felt the words were a necessary part of the piece. I decided to play around with the brush tool and used different colors to make the background look like a galaxy. Then I proceeded to draw a few stars on it to make it pop a little more. I had the hardest time finding an astronaut in the right pose, but manage to do so after 2 hours of intense searching. I added a paint can and positioned it to look as if the astronaut were holding it and writing out the word "limitless". The paint effect on the word I achieved by using the brush tool and tapping around a few areas of it. I drew out my spaceship in Illustrator and then added the "glittery" effect on photoshop. I also added a moon which I applied a texture filter to so it blended in nicely with the other elements. I added a smoke effect around the spaceship and a few planets to add some color. I really like the final product and feel excited to learn about photoshop.
